After the fall of Atlantis, the records of humanity were separated and hidden in remote corners of the Earth. The Kali Yuga had begun. Humanity had fallen from its highest peak. The memories of its monuments and accomplishments are reduced to fragments, ancient bones of our mysterious past of wonder far beyond the scope of what we know even today as achievement.
In this shattering, humanity’s connection to the soul has been severed. The dark ages saw to the systematic destruction of our holy people, and mystics who could speak with nature. Magic has been suppressed and shut out of the human field of recognition.

The modern world is surrounded by a containment field, a dark web that surrounds us and changes our vibrational frequency, causing us to remain separated from our souls, living in a simulation suggesting we are isolated within the definitions given to us. Nature has been upended to build linear systems that only provide waste. The inequality is staggering within a system that is abundant enough for all to share.
The world is currently divided into what is known as a multi-polar order. All of it is driven by money and power. Imagine if it was driven by the forces of abundance and balance instead. But this is not the case. In truth, our world is purposefully knocked off balance to serve whatever overlords have seized control from a sedated, controlled population.
It doesn’t matter who they are because our fight is not necessarily with them. That, or we won't be the ones to fight them because this fight is far more supernatural than we can admit. They could be anyone in the equation. Each side seems to think they are the force of light in this spiritual battle at the end of the world.
Our challenge instead is to rise above the control of the dark forces and unite with our own souls, find the cosmic balance within us, and align with one another. Every aspect of this simulation is designed to make us forget this.
We are programmed from birth to value money and success above all things and not the true riches of existence. We are born into families where we learn love. We exist in an ecosystem abundantly designed to provide for each being. Our natural state is to harmonize with one another and our habitat.
And yet instead, we allow ourselves to be shown that we are not able to align with these things. We are separated from love and family and nature. We are raised in discord, and so we lose our connection to magic, and we suffer, and we grow old, and we die with great fear all while thinking we were living in a linear existence in limited biological bodies with no connection to the whisperings of our souls.
But all of this is a profound lie.
We are all one.
We are all pieces to the fragmented puzzle of consciousness. And we are living in a time where the shadowy net wrapping around our planet is wavering. If you sit with yourself and dive into the mysterious dizziness you may be feeling, maybe you can hear the voice of your higher self, speaking with you. Maybe you can sense the magic spilling through the cracks.
You may think you’re going crazy because you looked into the abyss and saw how evil our overlords truly are. Because once you look into the abyss, it will look back at you, and it can drive you into madness.
The magic spell they have cast over our world is being challenged by forces of light which we are told are dark. Every modern myth we weave in our stories speaks of struggle between dark and light. Every symbol we value speaks of ragtag rebels rising from adversity and overthrowing empires using heroic determination and bravery. And yet our overlords would have us believe anyone who goes against their order are the evil ones.
They have used our conditioned disbelief in magic to trap us in their own magic spell. They are casting a spell now in the holiest lands of earth. Blood ritual surely has its perils. But it is highly effective. As the ritual goes on, we see that our illusive simulation is that of division, not unity. As the world erupts into anger, our simulation is preparing to be destroyed.
Since we don’t believe in magic and our connection to nature, we are in emphatic denial that our planet is actually destroying the simulation - just like Atlantis. Every year gets hotter and hotter. In Northern America, fires rage across the lands, destroying all in their path, unhooking people from their attachment to the simulation. Hurricanes and typhoons and floods have increased in power.
People like to believe that Covid is manmade but consider this… Nature develops viruses to create balance in its delicate systems. Is it so preposterous to think that nature is trying to rid itself of a species that has caused nothing but harm? Are we not of nature? Who are we if we are not children of the planet we live on? Are we aliens? Are we a cancer, having activated the immune system of our planet?
Yes, it has gone far enough that there will be chaos. And most will remain blind to the actual fact that we are destroying ourselves and our habitat, because we have lost our connection to nature. We will not go gently into the night.
There are those who do believe in magic. And many of these are devotees to religions. They believe in our creator force who guides us. They look beyond this life and heed the notions of morality and unity. Each of these religions hold a spark of a single truth- That we are connected to magic as a fragment of our creator.
Where Judaism, the first to follow the riddles sent by God, is adept at justice. Christianity, birthed from Judaism, is adept at forgiveness. Islam, adept at peace, is the final piece of the puzzle.
Yes, you may think that Islam is all about death and war because we are deceived into thinking the opposite is true. And Christians are wrathful and not forgiving. And Judaism is autocratic, not just. But all of this goes against what their studies fundamentally teach. We are tricked in our illusion to believe that the opposite is true of most things.
In this time on this planet, we have devolved into disharmonious frequencies. We are suffering from division and an endless spiral of strife. We argue about what is true and what is false, and we are angry at those who don’t tow the line of the truths we decide on. We ridicule them and gang up on them like bullies.
In this time, the only truth there is, is one’s level of honesty. We are witnessing the death of consensus reality. We are required to follow the narratives as they are given to us. If we do not, we become some kind of enemy to those who don’t follow this line. We make ourselves open for ridicule, and we stay quiet because we don’t want to be shunned and shamed and abused by those who defend their chosen narratives.
Meanwhile, as we all remain silent, the world is tumbling toward imminent disaster. And yet no one is doing anything about it. We allow our world leaders to continue with their lunatic conflicts because we feel helpless to stop them.
We think we can just ignore it and surround ourselves with our comforts, hoping it will resolve itself. But somehow it affects us. We don’t know how. But it does. Because we are all fragments of the same puzzle. Our division is the cause and the effect.
Consider this.
Sometimes all we need is a symbol to be inspired to undergo a transformation.
Magic has been defined as a ridiculous notion, and yet we experience magic every night when we are asleep in dreams. We wake up and forget that half our lives are spent connected to a part of ourselves that does not exist here in this simulation.
In meditation we place our attention on symbols. This is the first step into connecting with our higher souls. If you can imagine that we exist mostly in the dream realm, considering humans only use 10% of our waking brain power while the rest fires off while we are asleep, then you can imagine how much of ourselves we are missing out on in this limited realm. We can connect to that aspect of ourselves existing there.
The Pyramids have been left as a marker for us in these times. Built before the Kali Yuga, ancient Egypt and ancient Maya were models of cosmic alignment, having woven all aspects of the soul into their everyday life, including the journey into the afterlife. The monuments they left behind are clues that can help humanity save itself through symbols.
I want to propose a meditation for you to try. It’s very simple. All based around symbols.
As the dark magic weaves its grip tighter, and as the world erupts as hell freezes over, we have been given these symbols. We just don’t use them correctly. We think they are supposed to be separate. We think they are in opposition to one another.
Begin with a Merkaba, the symbol of Judaism. This is the pattern that surrounds our light bodies. It is a six-pointed star representing the spiritual field around us. Next, the cross, the symbol of Christians, the symbol of divine connection to the God Source that calls us to our resurrection in the afterlife when we unite with our souls again in forgiveness for the suffering we have endured in the simulation. Last, we have the cube, the symbol of Islam’s mysterious Kaba toward which they pray every day. Muslims have worked with the utmost humility over the ages to foster a direct connection to the magic of our Source.
The final piece is the pyramid, which encompasses all of it.
Now, picture them all separated as they are. They are fragments of an ancient puzzle that has been left for us through the Kali Yuga cycle through lines of prophets. They are fragmented because we are fragmented. We are meant to pick up the pieces and discern the fragments with the intuition of our higher selves.

Bring your focus to each and move them into one. The cross fits into the Merkaba and the Cube seals them all together inside the human body. The pyramid seals the bond.
Focus on unity, not division. Reach out to those who you have banished from your life because they challenged your belief programming. Become whole. This is our plight during this dark cycle. Focus on unity. Focus on healing. Now is the time.
We create because we are creative. We dream because we exist in another realm at the same time as this realm. We are magic. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And we are all fragments of the same Source.

Mara Powers is an author, traveler and philosopher currently "holding space" at the edge of the Apocalypse in Sinai. She has authored a book series Shadows of Atlantis, and makes many posts about the nature of reality as a rebellion against the system she grew up in.