The study of the great mystery of Atlantis is best served by following ancient legends around the world. Most accepted world history doesn’t span far enough back to record the megalithic monuments that are often dated at over 10 thousand years old.
My recent fascination is with the continent of Africa. This is said to be the cradle of humanity… the original location of the Garden of Eden. I have been tracing African history through the legends of ancient people. There have been many occult references to Egypt being a colony of Atlantis. And so I have developed a theory that Atlanteans and Ancient Nubians created a synthesis that eventually became Egypt.
It’s really all just a theory. But in order to really discover any satisfying answers, I have delved into the journey of the Berbers, as well as the ancient legends of Nubia or Ta Seti, Khemit, Kush, Kerma, Meroe, Punt, Sheba, and even the the Aterian of the North and the Mande tribes of West Africa. I am listing them here for your own notes. And if you know anyone who has really discovered correlations between them enough to paint a picture of ancient life in Africa, perhaps leave me a note on this post.
If one follows the RH anomaly in bloodlines, an interesting pattern arises. This is a mysterious cro-magnon bloodline that passes down white skin, blue eyes, red hair and sometimes larger skulls. It is said that modern humans are a mixture of this RH bloodline, and the race that came out of Africa. The largest concentrations of people with RH bloodline are around the Atlantic ocean. These are the Basque of Spain, the Berbers of Morocco, the Irish, and the Norwegians. They could easily be descendants of Atlantis.
The Berbers are the ones who hold the key to Atlantean history in North Africa. It is in their oral history where we can get a clue to Atlantis. They speak of a time when the Sahara was verdant with rivers, lakes, forests and bountiful agriculture. Here are some maps of what supposedly Africa could have looked like then. The first shows potential Atlantean colonies, while the second shows a potential Green Sahara period. If, theoretically, Atlantis was destroyed around 12,000BC, then it would have been at its height during the Green Sahara period. That would have made the area very habitable and ripe for colonization.

A very fascinating theory that has gained traction recently has been the Eye of the Sahara actually being the lost city. Otherwise known as the Richat Structure, this amazing "geological formation" is located in the middle of the Sahara in Mauritania. See its location on the map to the right. Because now this is a fairly dangerous region, it has not been formally excavated. Considering the mass melting of the polar ice caps at the end of the ice age, that area might have been flooded spontaneously at its end, as well. It's not entirely determined whether the Richat Structure is natural or manmade. But if you take a look at the artist's rendition of Plato's description of the city in a side by side comparison, then the similarities are astounding.

In the history of popular culture, Atlantis has been placed in the Sahara Desert before, so there is a bit of collective subconscious memory associating Atlantis with this region. A book called L’Atlantide by Pierre Benoit was published in 1920. This depicted Atlantis as a civilization hidden in the Sahara Desert. Several films were made based on this book, the first in 1921. This same story was rebooted in America in 1932 under the title Queen of Atlantis. Both were shot in the Sahara and made a huge wave among cinema fans of the time. For more on depictions of Atlantis in popular culture, check out my blog post here.
Many associate ancient Egypt with Atlantis. Regardless of whether accepted Egyptology acknowledges the association or not, alternative theories have turned Egyptians into Atlantean descendants. From their spiritual culture to their amazing architecture that also matches similar designs around the world, Egyptians are said to be Atlantean in origin. If you give form to the idea that Atlanteans were a global civilization, it is a wonderfully delightful theory.

Mara Powers is author of the Shadows of Atlantis saga. An Atlantis researcher for almost 3 decades, she incorporates all her knowledge into an epic fantasy saga set in the final age of Atlantis.